Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Articles of Confederation, Weak or Strong?

This is a highly controversial document on how much of an impact it had made in the country. The document effecting the national government but the state government as well. The Articles of Confederation was strong in way which gave the United States the ability to start foreign trade.  Borrowing money was another factor that was beneficial to the nation when this document was in place. The country was now given the opportunity to defend their selves if hard times stuck. The ability to declare of war came from the document. If needed to make peace, this was also given. We could being the operation of post offices throughout the country. Weaknesses always exist in documents, but in this case many exist. The nation and the states were beginning to clash due to lack of laws between the two. The National government did not have the power to make the states obey their laws, even though they are the higher power. Along with no system of national courts being excluded. This document did not provide any power on taxing or the ability to enforce the laws in place. A steady and strong leadership within the U.S congress was non-existing. In addition missing from this document that was supposed to help the country, no national army or navy was current.  In conclusion The Articles of Confederation had weaknesses within it that are major factors that make the country run as well as it does today. 

1 comment:

  1. I found your blog to be very informative and true !
    Great Job :)
