Sunday, October 26, 2014


The central difficulty involved with the proposal and ratification of the 13th Amendment was racism. There was already 4 million idle African Americans, the threat of them stealing jobs made it difficult also. The people thought that passing the Amendment would lead to
voting rights for African Americans. Most of the house wasn't republican, Lincoln needed two thirds for the majority. Democrats believed Lincoln was acting as a dictator, Lincoln needed their support. In order for the Amendment to pass Lincoln used Implied Powers which had been corrupt in a way. He bribed the Lame Duck Democrats with job positions such as post master, in attempt for their support in the ratification. Lincoln lied about the peace talks because he wanted peace to be contingent on the Amendment due to the fact he would lose leverage. The ratification was important to Lincoln mainly to benefit himself and his future plan to run for re-election. He would then have the many votes of the freed African Americans. Also Lincoln would have got rid of the Emancipation Proclamation. 

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Amendment Memes

The sixth Amendment puts in place rights related to criminal prosecutions. If one was to stalk Channing Tatum for example, charges would be pressed. This meme is featuring the beautiful Carthomp<33

The restriction of quartering  soldiers in a private home is against the 3rd Amendment. Carthomp and I would want to let the cute soldier in if he was cute, so we would just pretend the 3rd Amendment did not exist.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014



Peter Griffin gets the news that his property located at 31 Spooner Quahog, Rhode Island is not technically part of the United States Petoria was created. Peter proclaim his government is an oligarchy and he declares himself president. According to, an oligarchy   government is"a form of government in which all power is vested in a few persons orin a dominant class or clique; government by the few." Peter enjoys his new social standing. Peter breaks laws on United States property such as stepping on illegal grasses because he is no longer a citizen of the country. Another beneficial ability that Peter had while under the rule of Petoria was that he could annex his neighbors land, he mainly did this so he could now have pool to swim in. Downfalls to Peters plan was the United States shut down his houses electricity leading to his family suffering from  the lose. 

Chris: Dad, I tried to go to school but this guy won't let me.
Peter: Oh yeah? Him and what army?Chris: The U.S. Army.Peter: Oh, that's a good army

Other dilemmas the Griffin family faced was they could not leave their property due to the United States army surrounding their land. Also Peter's two kids Chris and Meg were affected due to them not being allowed to continue their education at public school, leading to Lois Peter's wife having to home school them both. In conclusion the Griffin family was missing out on the social aspect, the basic needs, and their kids education while being an oligarchy.