Sunday, October 26, 2014


The central difficulty involved with the proposal and ratification of the 13th Amendment was racism. There was already 4 million idle African Americans, the threat of them stealing jobs made it difficult also. The people thought that passing the Amendment would lead to
voting rights for African Americans. Most of the house wasn't republican, Lincoln needed two thirds for the majority. Democrats believed Lincoln was acting as a dictator, Lincoln needed their support. In order for the Amendment to pass Lincoln used Implied Powers which had been corrupt in a way. He bribed the Lame Duck Democrats with job positions such as post master, in attempt for their support in the ratification. Lincoln lied about the peace talks because he wanted peace to be contingent on the Amendment due to the fact he would lose leverage. The ratification was important to Lincoln mainly to benefit himself and his future plan to run for re-election. He would then have the many votes of the freed African Americans. Also Lincoln would have got rid of the Emancipation Proclamation. 


  1. I love how you said "Lincoln lied about the peace talks because he wanted peace to be contingent on the Amendment due to the fact he would lose leverage." My favorite line. Your blog was very on point and straight forward.
    Well Done :)

  2. Good blog. I used many of the same points in my blog.

  3. I enjoyed the visuals you used from the movie. I liked how you mentioned how many slaves were going to be free. It helps show how largely this would impact America. Good job!
