Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Spoils System vs. Merit System

The merit system of th bureaucracy is based upon a canidates ability in the process of promoting and hiring within the government. In addition the spoils system is a process in which the governmnt uses. The spoils system is based differently than the merit. Once a candidate wins their election they give political positions in their party to supporters, friends, and relatives as a "reward" for working toward their victory. These candidates using members to have an incentive to continue working toward improving their party. The merit system is mainly based off one's education and abilities through testing. 
Andrew Jackson argued during his time in office that it is healthier to hire a candidate with experience in the workforce. Also in addition he believed there was less of a chance that they wouldnn't become corrupt due to them not coming for a high social background. In result from people who believed this way the merit system formed. This system dervied from China to British India during the 17th century and then into continental Europe. The advantage of one having political connections does not matter with this system. Mainting power was the key target. Background of a potenial official is not factored into the decision of hiring. 

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