Friday, May 1, 2015

The Fed

The Federal Reserve has been a detriment to the United States since it was created. The country has faced hardships on a economic level due to it. The United States dollar has lost 96% of its purchasing power. Inflation has arisen due to their actions. Decisions such as interest rates, national debt, and money supply are all controlled by the Feds. This private ownership of this "federal" bank is in place to benefit the private stockholders. The board of governors at the Federal Resvere are not elected by the American people. These seven members are not respected to the people. Most of its operations are done in secrecy and are dominated by the Wall Street and New York banks. 

Mega banks such as Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, and Citigroup doiminate the United States banking system using the Federal Reserve as a tool to make money. Huge amounts of money are lender to these mega banks for nothing and they use all that cash to add to the United States debt.  The Fed acts as a "last resort" and bailout to banks. Sixteen trillion was spent in secret bailouts to corporations and banks around the world in less than three years. Many argue that the Fed is unconstitional which is correct, occurrences such as secret bailouts happen without a single vote taking place in any chamber of Congress.

Inflation in our dollar has significantly risen. Higher prices are a direct consequence of inflation since increasing the supply of money decreases the purchasing power of the dollar. The poor is impacted the most because they have less disposable income. Consumers with low disposable incomes will be negatively impacted by higher prices for food and clothing.

The policies of the Federal Reserve hurt the middle working class. It benefits the privileged few at the expense of average American. Access to money and credit before the harmful inflationary effects impact the entire economy are given to special people. High power lobbyists are in favor of the Fed due to the special privileges the Fed gives this group of people.

Out-of-control spending by Congress the Fed initiates. The federal government can only obtain money through taxation, printing or borrowing money. Printing money has become the federal government’s common action. This negatively impacts the economy due to their printing during spending sprees.
In conclusion the Federal Resvere is too powerful and does not benefit the American people and hurts the economy. They are primary reason to the high national debt. 

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