Wednesday, December 31, 2014

U.S Government Welfare Payment to Walmart.

Walmart recieves $2.66 billion from the government each year, about 420,000 per store and $5,815 per worker. Their full time employees seek public assistance in result from their low wages. The middle class is being destroyed because of companies like Walmart that do not provide livable wages when they easily could. When the middle class jobs disappear, their is no middle class. More compaines are giving the same treatment to benefit themseleves. Customers continue to reward the companies behavior because of their cheap prices. The Federal government has to take care of their employees through medicaid, food stamps, and other social welfare programs. The author believes the "pro-business" voices of our country are in reality "closet communists". They want everything to be made in China and Americans workers to be paid like the Chinese workers. 

The issue is that Americans feed into cheap prices of Walmart and are not taking any consideration of how their employees are treated. I do not agree with Wal-Mart's poor treatment to make larger profits.  "Today, Wal-Mart employs approximately 1.2 million people in the United States, and it makes a yearly profit of about 17 billlion dollars."  In addition, "Walmart is the leading food company in the U.S (taking a one of every four dollars spent on food in the U.S)". The author adds more evidence of Wal-Mart's business success, they have the largest fleet of trucks, a larger global computer network than the pentagon, and twice the number of employees than the U.S Postal Service. The amoutn Americans alone spend $36 million dollars per hour in their stores.

The Federal government programs should only be to help people in need, and should not be needed for employed Americans especially large companyies like Wal-Mart where they have the funds to  provide a liveable paycheck to their workers. In addition these workers seek heath care, $1 billion in heath care is provided from the Federal government. The essential question of this article the author is providing is "what is the society going to look like as millions more Americans become dependent on the federal government each year?" I agree with his concern to the nation and economy as a whole. If this one business can have this much affect on the people and economy of  our country what will happen when mutliple  businesses follow in their footsteps. 

Monday, December 15, 2014

Electoral College

The Electoral College evolved from fear of factions. The people did not want the big government states maintaining their rights. The states handle the voting as they see fit and allow the Feds and States the conduct the election. The main reason for the creation is to protect the elite from the poor. Our forefathers feared large masses of poor. This system is fair, it contributes to the united of the country by requiring a distribution of popular support to be elected president. Electoral College contributes to the political stability of the nation by encouraging a two party system.Direct vote, popular sovereignty. Also enhances the status of minority interests."It is because of this "leverage effect" that the presidency, as an institution, tends to be more sensitive to ethnic minority and other special interest groups than does the Congress as an institution." 
In a direct popular election, incentives for a n excessive amount of minor parties to form in an attempt to prevent whatever popular majority might be necessary to elect a president. "The Electoral College has performed its function for over 200 years (and in over 50 presidential elections) by ensuring that the President of the United States has both sufficient popular support to govern and that his popular support is sufficiently distributed throughout the country to enable him to govern effectively." Maintains a federal system of government and representation.
In the George Bush vs. Albert Gore jr. Bush dominated the electoral college. Al Gore had state popularity, resulting in the electoral college succeeding.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Head of state

Chris Rock who played the role of Mays Gilliam a presidential candidate in the movie Head of State who comically satirized the trivial nature of political parties. He was a typical average man living in the city so being chosen as a candidate came as a surprise and it was the first party to nominate a minority. When Gilliam was first chosen as a candidate his advisors put out an election commercial promoting him as a candidate, but the commercial did not include a clip of him. He did not agree with this due to the fact he had no say in the making or in the way it portrayed him in the video. The political party used Mays heroic act of saving an old women who went inside a burning building to find her cat to further him in the election. "Big business loves a hero". The party wanted to tell the people what they wanted to hear and they knew that is the only way he would have a chance of winning, just as they do today in every election. The people like a "hero" figure to look up to. As Mays tours the states he realizes that his beliefs can be heard. He comes to this realization because he discovers his advisers he thought were there for him were only in it for themselves and truly did not believe he could win. Mays's brother gives him that inspiration he needed and his campaign takes off .Gilliam also experienced opposing commercial campaigns towards him. He knew it wasn't right to put false information about someone else out to the people. During elections opposing party videos are made in hopes to persuade the votes.  

Political parties ways of lying and cheating in elections were shown through Gilliam's campaign. They are in it mainly for the money aspect. Gilliam let his advisors walk all over him in the beginning and let them be the dictator of his campaign, until he himself had the courage to defer that and take action and make the choices he believed in. Gilliam being confident at the end of the election and telling the people his true beliefs and opinions gave him the win. The movie mainly satirized the typical candidate who goes in public and on cameras and says nothing of what they are about and their beliefs to the people. 

In conclusion Mays Gilliam learned from his peers who was there for him, his brother and people like his advisors who did not stand by his side. His maturity that he grew from the election and the positive choice he made to put the campaign into his own hands brought him success.