Wednesday, December 31, 2014

U.S Government Welfare Payment to Walmart.

Walmart recieves $2.66 billion from the government each year, about 420,000 per store and $5,815 per worker. Their full time employees seek public assistance in result from their low wages. The middle class is being destroyed because of companies like Walmart that do not provide livable wages when they easily could. When the middle class jobs disappear, their is no middle class. More compaines are giving the same treatment to benefit themseleves. Customers continue to reward the companies behavior because of their cheap prices. The Federal government has to take care of their employees through medicaid, food stamps, and other social welfare programs. The author believes the "pro-business" voices of our country are in reality "closet communists". They want everything to be made in China and Americans workers to be paid like the Chinese workers. 

The issue is that Americans feed into cheap prices of Walmart and are not taking any consideration of how their employees are treated. I do not agree with Wal-Mart's poor treatment to make larger profits.  "Today, Wal-Mart employs approximately 1.2 million people in the United States, and it makes a yearly profit of about 17 billlion dollars."  In addition, "Walmart is the leading food company in the U.S (taking a one of every four dollars spent on food in the U.S)". The author adds more evidence of Wal-Mart's business success, they have the largest fleet of trucks, a larger global computer network than the pentagon, and twice the number of employees than the U.S Postal Service. The amoutn Americans alone spend $36 million dollars per hour in their stores.

The Federal government programs should only be to help people in need, and should not be needed for employed Americans especially large companyies like Wal-Mart where they have the funds to  provide a liveable paycheck to their workers. In addition these workers seek heath care, $1 billion in heath care is provided from the Federal government. The essential question of this article the author is providing is "what is the society going to look like as millions more Americans become dependent on the federal government each year?" I agree with his concern to the nation and economy as a whole. If this one business can have this much affect on the people and economy of  our country what will happen when mutliple  businesses follow in their footsteps. 

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