Monday, December 15, 2014

Electoral College

The Electoral College evolved from fear of factions. The people did not want the big government states maintaining their rights. The states handle the voting as they see fit and allow the Feds and States the conduct the election. The main reason for the creation is to protect the elite from the poor. Our forefathers feared large masses of poor. This system is fair, it contributes to the united of the country by requiring a distribution of popular support to be elected president. Electoral College contributes to the political stability of the nation by encouraging a two party system.Direct vote, popular sovereignty. Also enhances the status of minority interests."It is because of this "leverage effect" that the presidency, as an institution, tends to be more sensitive to ethnic minority and other special interest groups than does the Congress as an institution." 
In a direct popular election, incentives for a n excessive amount of minor parties to form in an attempt to prevent whatever popular majority might be necessary to elect a president. "The Electoral College has performed its function for over 200 years (and in over 50 presidential elections) by ensuring that the President of the United States has both sufficient popular support to govern and that his popular support is sufficiently distributed throughout the country to enable him to govern effectively." Maintains a federal system of government and representation.
In the George Bush vs. Albert Gore jr. Bush dominated the electoral college. Al Gore had state popularity, resulting in the electoral college succeeding.

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